Debt management

Debt structure

Bekaert manages its debt in a conservative way to guarantee the financial stability of the group over time and under different circumstances on the  financial markets.

Bekaert has no financial covenants in its financing agreements. 

Net debt calculation

in thousands of € 2021  2020 2019   2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Non-current interest-bearing debt  953 581  968 076  1 184 310  686 665  1 180 347  1 161 310  792 116 910 074  688 244
Value adjustments  - 7 584  -6 245
Current interest-bearing debt  237 742  641 655  424 184  942 041  454 401  297 915  494 714 441 552  321 907
Total financial debt  1 191 324 1 609 732 1 608 495  1 628 705 1 634 748 1 459 225 1 286 830 1 359 210  1 003 906
Non-current financial receivables and cash guarantees  -10 192  -7 451  -6 518  -7 332  -6 259  -6 664  -9 694  -19 551  -21 421
Current financial receivables and cash guarantees -6 475  -7 707  -8 779  -20 186  -8 447  -13 991  -33 185  -13 998  -6 440
Short-term deposits -80 058  -50 077  -50 039  -50 036  -50 406  -5 342   -10 216  -14 160  -10 172
Cash and equivalents  -677 270  -940 416  -566 176  -398 273  -418 779  -365 546   -401 771  -458 542  -391 857
Net debt  417 329  604 081 976 984  1 152 878 1 150 857  1 067 683 831 964  852 959  574 016

Net debt on Underlying EBITDA

  2020 2019 2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013 2012
Net debt  604  977   1 153 1 151 1 068 837  853  574  700
Ebitda 473  403  387  510 481  441  342  297  274
Net debt/U-Ebitda 1.3   2.1 2.7 2.3 2.2 1.9 2.6 1.8 2.1

Gearing (net debt to equity) in %