Make your medical applications reliable

Our decades of experience and innovative approach to developing spring wire with enhanced characteristics for medical applications are unequalled.

Bekaert's Bezinal® product range offers a cost-effective alternative to stainless steel spring wire. Applications like high-viscosity drug injection require higher spring forces to ensure reliable and consistent performance.

High processability is a leading factor in our development process, ensuring strength, flexibility, the ability to sterilize and consistency. Bezinal® precoated medical spring wire performs to expectations every time. We can create custom solutions that meet your technical requirements and product operating environments.

The Power of consistent performance

Below you will see just a few of the application areas for which we have developed medical spring wire with specific characteristics.

Injection Systems

When developing medical spring wire for injection systems we focus on specific use-cases to ensure that injectors deliver a precise dose every time.

Multi-dose, variable-dose and pen injector systems

More and more patients have switched to reusable pen injectors for the self-administration of multiple-dose drugs. In the absence of trained medical staff, precise dosing is essential for patient safety and comfort. This is why we developed Bezinal®, a zinc-aluminium coated steel spring wire that delivers precise spring control over time. Bezinal® also enables greater design flexibility for multi-dosing systems thanks to its dimensional stability.

Our Bezinal® spring wire can be adapted to deliver the stringent specifications you require for your multi-dosing applications, ensuring a long and accurate lifespan thanks to increased corrosion resistance and its ability to withstand temperature fluctuations.

Single-use auto injectors

Single-use auto injector systems are similar to multi-dosing systems in that they require precise spring action when delivering drugs. Unlike stainless steel-based springs, Bezinal® spring wire offers increased e-modulus. This enables the delivery of both high- or low-viscosity drugs using the same mechanism, while removing the need for different product solutions to suit individual drugs.

Thanks to Bezinal®’s long-lasting characteristics it is the perfect solution for single-use auto injectors for both everyday and emergency use. We work closely with our partners – both spring manufacturers and medical device design companies – to provide the custom spring wire solutions you need. 

Diagnostic Tools

Lancets, also known as puncturing devices, are widely used by both medical professionals and patients to take capillary blood samples. Reliability is the key concern for springs used in such devices, as they enable safety features designed to hide the needle in some applications, while also requiring the correct spring force required to puncture the dermal layer.

Safety Lancets

Very thin needles are used in safety lancets. They rely on a spring mechanism that can exert exactly the right force to puncture the dermal layer and extract a blood sample while causing the absolute minimum patient discomfort.

As safety lancets are a single-use product, storage and anti-corrosion properties are highly valued by device manufacturers and care providers alike. Bekaert can provide the optimal coating for your needs every time.

Metering Devices

Metering devices are used to perform diagnostics by trained medical care providers and laboratory staff. As such, repeatability, longevity and product size are critical for medical device designers and patients alike.

Bekaert can provide you with the medical spring wire you need to deliver predictable and consistent performance.

Other applications

Inhaler Systems

Inhaler systems come in a variety of forms – from dry powder inhalers to metered dose inhalers and nebulisers. They all have one thing in common – they rely on a spring mechanism in the inner valve system to control dosage. Bekaert’s range of medical spring wire is designed to withstand corrosion and maintain its efficacy, making it perfect for this type of application, where the inhaler is used over a long period of time.

Dispenser Systems

As with inhaler springs, dispenser system springs need to deliver repeatability with added fatigue resistance to make them fit for purpose. Offering a cost-effective and more reliable solution than stainless steel springs, Bekaert steel-based spring wire will keep on pumping as required.