Trawling ropes

Bekaert manufactures a range of 6 strand fishing ropes designed for the demanding needs of deep water fishing. 

Our fishing ropes are manufactured with IWRC (independant wire rope cores), fibre cores & plastic cores.

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Compacted Trawl Warps

Dyform IWRC

Dyform IWRC

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Dyform Polycore

Dyform Polycore

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Starfish IWRC

Starfish IWRC

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Starfish Polycore

Starfish Polycore

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Non-compacted Trawl Warps

Marblue IWRC

Marblue IWRC

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Marblue Polycore

Marblue Polycore

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Seabeam IWRC

Seabeam IWRC

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Seabeam Polycore

Seabeam Polycore

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