At Bekaert, our mission to be an industry leader and innovator is more crucial than ever as we navigate through the energy transition. We're pleased and honored to announce that Belgium’s Minister of Energy, Tinne Van der Straeten, visited our facilities on 10 September 2024, validating our continuous efforts and investments in the energy sector.

Bekaert's Vision: Leading the Hydrogen Value Chain

Our ambition to lead the technology front in the entire hydrogen value chain is at the forefront of our initiatives. Hydrogen is anticipated to be a cornerstone of the future energy system, and at Bekaert, we are driving innovations that will facilitate this transition. Our commitment extends across all facets of the hydrogen economy—from production and distribution to storage and utilization technologies.


Investing in the Energy Transition

The global push for a sustainable future necessitates substantial investments, and Bekaert is stepping up to meet this challenge. Our investments are directed towards pioneering technologies and infrastructure that support the energy transition. Specifically, our focus on sustainable energy solutions is paving the way for innovative breakthroughs that will significantly impact the energy landscape.

Commitment to Belgium

Our roots in Belgium run deep, and we are dedicating significant resources to foster growth within the local economy. By investing in Belgium, we not only reaffirm our commitment to the region but also contribute towards building an advanced energy infrastructure that supports the broader goals of sustainability.

As part of this strategy, Bekaert expanded its manufacturing and research capacity in electrolysis technologies for green hydrogen production in 2024. These investments include:

  • A new manufacturing plant in Wetteren, Belgium
  • A hydrogen lab in Deerlijk, Belgium


Recognizing the Importance of Research Funding

Innovation thrives on research, and at Bekaert, we are proud to participate in several funded research projects. These projects are instrumental in exploring and developing new technologies that could set the benchmark for future standards. We extend our appreciation for the financial support that these projects receive, acknowledging that such funding is crucial for scaling new business and technological advancements.


The Importance of Continued Support

The presence of Minister Van der Straeten highlights the crucial role that government support plays in our journey. Her visit underscores the importance of collaborative efforts between industry and government to drive the energy transition. We are grateful for her recognition and look forward to continued support and cooperation.

Honoring the Minister's Visit

Having Minister Van der Straeten visit our facilities is a significant honor. It not only acknowledges our past achievements and ongoing efforts but also inspires us to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Her visit reaffirms our commitment to innovation, sustainability, and growth.


We are excited about the future and are confident that with continued support and collaboration, we can achieve our shared vision of a sustainable energy landscape. Together, let's build a greener, more robust future.